Friday, January 15, 2021

123 issues of "Pegasus" (SIGAP, UK 1970s-1990s) now online

123 issues of "Pegasus" (published by SIGAP, the "Surrey Investigation Group on Aerial Phenomena" in the UK in the 1970s-1990s) are now online, with thanks to Ron Toft for kindly giving his permission. 

Scans have, as is often the case, helpfully been done by the team at the AFU in Sweden.

Other SIGAP publications will be online soon. Very soon. As in, give me a few hours. :)

[BBR 8 of 12]

Omar Fowler, Chairman of SIGAP, discussing a point with Dr. Allen Hynek at the International UFO Congress [Pegasus newsletter, 1979 September]:

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