Saturday, March 26, 2022

"Alien Chaser" website of Ron Regehr (1990s: UFOs, UERs and UCTs - military satellite systems, Roswell and the Ramey memo)

With Ron Regehr's kind permission, I have made available online a revised copy of his "Alien Chaser" website (USA, 1990s) and also created a set of PDF files containing searchable copies of that material.

Ron's website included material on various UFO incidents and issues, particularly satellite detection of UFOs, the Roswell wreckage and the so-called Ramey memo. That website can now be browsed by clicking HERE or the PDF files can be downloaded from HERE.

Ron Regehr website included the following brief introduction: "By day, he designs top secret military satellite systems, the nation's first line of defense against enemy attacks. Watching the skies, he knows UFOs are here. The astronautical/aeronautical engineer works on the next generation spy satellites, with an insider's knowledge that the US government has suppressed and withheld information about UFOs as the satellite data confirms".  

That background explains Ron Regehr's particular interest in detection of UFOs by satellites.

I have revised 117 dead links in Ron's old website so that those links now point to archived copies of relevant webpages. This was achieved by adapting techniques I developed (and posted about) in relation to my previous uploading of a revised copy of Glenn Campbell's large UFOmind website (USA, 1990s).

Since Ron Regehr stopped updated most pages on his Alien Chaser website in or around October 1999, many of the links were updated up to about 1999. Many of those links are now dead - but it is possible to replace those old links with new links that work.

Basically, Ron's website was maintained until about October 1999 (and was archived by the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine) and I was able to download the latest archived version of each webpage and image from that archive by using the wayback_machine_downloader code that I've previously written about. I then:

(1) used the Find in Files function of NotePad++ to temporarily replace each absolute link in that website (by replacing each occurrence of HREF="http with HRREF="http),

(2) replaced all the relative links with new absolute links to the copy of the website I've uploaded to the AFU's website (by replacing each HREF=" with HREF="

(3) I then replaced the temporary absolute links from Step 1 above with new links to archived copies of those webpages in the Wayback Machine's Internet Archive. As I've previously mentioned, adding "51143" after a date in the Wayback Machine's Internet Archive URL results in a link to the archived copy of that webpage nearest to the specified date. So, I have replaced all external links in the Alien Chaser webpages with links to the Wayback Machine's archived nearest to 1 October 1999 using that 51143 trick by using the Find in Files function of NotePad++ to replace every occurrence of HRREF="http:// with HREF="

I'm gradually building up speed using these techniques, so I (or others...) should be able to resurrect many other UFO websites which have ceased to be operational over the last couple of decades (and create searchable PDF copies of the material from those websites).

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