Monday, January 17, 2022

US Air Force booklet "Aids to Identification of Flying Objects" (1968) - searchable PDF

In 1968, the US Air Force wrote a booklet entitled "Aids to Identification of Flying Objects".  

This slim booklet (only about 35 pages) sought to cover a wide range of potential explanation for UFO reports - including meteorological and astronomical factors (such as mirages, sundogs and moondogs) radar sightings, physiological aspects, psychological factors, visual perception.

While the scope was wide, the content was - well - less than impressive.  

Anyone that wants to be able to address basic explanations from skeptics or official authorities for UFO sightings should be familiar with the content of this brief booklet.

Click on the image below for a link to this booklet, which I have included in the folder containing other UFO books/booklets that I've obtained permission to upload or are in the public domain.

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