Friday, February 19, 2021

"ISC Newsletter" (International Society of Cryptozoology, 1982-1996) now also online

Following on from my upload earlier this week of one of the best known cryptozoological periodicals, the journal "Cryptozoology", searchable scans of the less formal newsletter of the same organization (the "ISC Newsletter" of the International Society of Cryptozoology) are now also online, at the link below:

I think this collection of 46 issues may be complete. 

The first issue of the ISC Newsletter includes an article giving some background about this periodical and the ISC. It stated that the purposes of the ISC included the following:

"1 ) it wou1d provide a forum for the publication of cryptozoological articles, lab and field reports, and news reports;

2 ) it would stimulate the exchange of information between persons working in cryptozoology in different countries; 

3 ) it would stimulate the interest of many scientists who have professional interests in cryptozoology but who have been hesitant to become involved in so controversial a topic; 

4 ) it would represent a responsible body to which the public, the news media, and local and state agencies could turn for advice or cooperation relative to re­ports of unknown animals;

5 ) it would help legitimatize cryptozoology as a sub-discipline within the biological sciences; and 

6 ) it would serve as a depository of information available to re­sponsible researchers, as well as a historical archive for future scholars".

As mentioned in my previous post regarding the ISC's "Cryptozoology" journal, the final "Acting President" of the ISC was Christine Janis and she kindly indicated to me that she had no objection to my uploading these scans (nor did another former Executive Board of the ISC, Angelo Capparella).

I also asked Loren Coleman, since I was not clear on the precise relationship between the ISC and the subsequent International Cryptozoology Society (ICS) directed by him. He kindly indicated that he guessed I didn't need his approval if Christine Janis had no objection to the upload (but in any event said that he would be happy to see this material uploaded and appeared to be enthusiastic about the scanning project generally).  

These scans have, as is often the case, been helpfully done by the AFU in Sweden and I have uploaded them to the AFU's website.

This upload follows my recent uploading of the ISC's journal "Cryptozoology" and Rip Hepple's Loch Ness "Nessletters" (with his kind permission), in addition to hundreds of other Fortean periodicals (after getting relevant permissions). Many other cryptozoological periodicals will follow shortly - if I can obtain relevant permissions...

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